
2022 Digital Marketing Internship interview questions and answers

2022 Digital Marketing Internship interview questions

These digital marketing internship interview questions and answers are a good way to prepare for your digital marketing career.

To prepare for your digital marketing internship interview, consider exercising answers to general questions as well as more specific inquiries about your digital marketing experience and objectives.

In this article, we discuss common digital marketing interview questions and provide sample answers to help you practice.

Digital Marketing Interview questions about experience and background

These industry-specific questions help the hiring team assess your qualifications and determine whether your objectives align with those of the organization:

  • Which digital marketing platforms and software do you use?

  • What do you like least about digital marketing?

  • What is your digital marketing philosophy?

  • Can you describe your greatest success in digital marketing?

  • Can you discuss your worst digital marketing failure? How did you resolve it, and what did you learn?

  • How do you motivate your digital marketing team to do their best?

  • What do you think is the biggest challenge in digital marketing, and how are you addressing it?

  • What do you think is the next major trend in digital marketing?

  • What are the most important qualities for a digital marketer?

Digital Marketing internship interview questions

These in-depth questions allow the hiring team to understand the full extent of your skills and evaluate how you would address common problems at work:

  • What digital marketing platforms and software do you use?

  • Do you focus on inbound or outbound digital marketing?

  • Explain an effective sales funnel you built.

  • Do you have experience with marketing automation?

  • Can you discuss how you approach search engine optimization?

  • Tell us about your experience with creating digital marketing budgets.

  • Explain how you know a campaign is not successful.

Digital marketing interview answers

Here are some of the most common interview questions for digital marketers, including the reasoning behind each. Try using the sample answers to prepare your responses.

What digital marketing platforms and software are you familiar with?

An interviewer might ask this question to learn more about your technical skills and understand how much training you might need.

Try being as specific as possible in your answer, listing the programs you use and your level of knowledge or fluency.

Example: “I am fluent in programs for social media, content marketing, and paid search. For social media, I use software like Agorapulse and Hootsuite for scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and developing monthly reports.

For content marketing, I use Ahrefs for keyword research and WordPress for content management and publishing. I am also certified in paid search platforms like Facebook and Google Ads.”

Do you think inbound or outbound marketing is more effective?

Interviewers often ask this question to determine how much you know about digital marketing and its various components.

You can convey your understanding of the industry by briefly discussing key aspects of both types of marketing and the importance of applying both.

Example: “In my experience, inbound and outbound marketing are essential complements of each other.

Companies need inbound strategies like social media and blog content to interest customers on their terms, and they need outbound strategies like email marketing and paid search ads to attract clients more directly.

Together, these two aspects can form a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.”

Can you describe one of your most successful campaigns?

An interviewer might ask this question to learn how you define success and to understand how much you have accomplished.

Try outlining the campaign, its goals, its results, and your role when you respond.

Example: “I led my most successful campaign earlier this year when I worked with a client that required a complete marketing funnel to sell a new product.

I worked with the client to build each stage of the funnel, recruited an experienced team to create each aspect, and managed every part of the project.

In the end, we exceeded the revenue goal by 150%, which caused the client to hire my company for its next digital marketing projects.”

How do you know when a campaign is not successful?

Interviewers often ask this question to find out how you respond to and recover from failure. You can start by mentioning your role, your expectations, and the results, but you should also discuss how you responded and what you learned.

Example: “My least successful campaign happened last year when I worked with a client on a social media campaign centered on the holiday season.

The campaign achieved only 50% of its brand awareness goal, which I attributed to the budget being too small and the goals being too high.

While leading this project, I learned how to be more realistic when setting goals and proactive when attempting to fix campaigns that are not performing as expected.”

What is the most serious challenge for digital marketers today?

The hiring team may bring up this question to understand how you view and prepare for challenges.

To answer, mention a major problem affecting the industry, and explain what you think is the ideal strategy for addressing it.

Example: “In my opinion, the biggest challenge for digital marketers is generating great results in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

To continue to be competitive in the market, I think digital marketers need to dedicate at least 15% of their work time to monitoring new trends and experimenting with new techniques.

By tracking new developments and trying innovative methods, the best digital marketers can succeed even as the digital marketing landscape changes quickly.

Do you have experience with collaborative digital marketing campaigns?

This question helps interviewers learn how you work with teams and manage complex projects.

When you answer, explain your role, and discuss how you approach teamwork and collaborating with other companies or departments.

Example: “Yes, I have worked on at least a dozen collaborations with other companies and led two campaigns with other departments.

In my experience, the most important part of a collaborative digital campaign is agreeing on strategy, roles and objectives during the first meeting.

Establishing metrics and timelines is also essential so that everyone involved understands how to meet the goal.”

Can you discuss a time when your team did not agree with you and explain how you addressed the issue?

An interviewer might ask this question to assess how you handle conflict and demonstrate leadership.

Try outlining the situation before explaining how you responded to the issue while leading your team.

Briefly mention what you learned from handling a challenging situation.

Example: “When I led a recent marketing automation campaign, my team disagreed with my strategy.

I asked each person to explain their concerns, and as a team, we discussed the pros and cons.

Ultimately, we modified my strategy to address the team’s concerns and carried out a successful campaign, which helped me learn how valuable respect is to improving teamwork.”

Hiring managers often ask this question to find out more about your qualifications, motivations and values.

You can begin by reiterating your prior experience and key qualifications before highlighting aspects such as values and goals you share with the organization.

Example: “I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, and I have five years of experience managing social media accounts and running paid search advertising campaigns.

I have led digital marketing teams for three years, and my leadership skills have contributed to a 20% increase in revenue for my current organization.

I am confident that my skills, experience and ambition would be a benefit to your organization, especially given your goal to grow revenue by 25% next year.”


With practice, you can succeed in your next digital marketing internship interview. Use these sample questions as you prepare to present yourself as the best possible candidate for the job.

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