
ProtonMail Signup | Full Practical Guide To Create Proton Account

ProtonMail Signup is already trending and people are joining the fastest Email provider company like the popular Gmail. Proton Is a movement of millions of volunteers, contributors, and users committed to a better internet that respects and protects individual rights by default.

Check out everything you need to know including how to create an account and reviews.

ProtonMail Signup

What is ProtonMail?

The largest secure email service in the world is called ProtonMail. To protect the privacy of your messages, it includes end-to-end encryption in addition to many other fantastic security features. You can be sure that no one else can read your emails because not even the company that hosts them can do so.

ProtonMail Signup

Learn how to create a ProtonMail account using the step-by-step guidelines listed below.

How to create ProtonMail account

1. Open the ProtonMail sign-up page in your browser. Click the SIGNUP button.

2. Click FREE to expand the free account section then click the SELECT FREE PLAN button under Select Your Account Type for a free account.

Enter the user name you want to use
for your ProtonMail email address over
Choose the username box under Username and domain.

Enter the password you wish to use for
logging in to ProtonMail over Choose a
password box and confirm login password on the Confirm password box.

3. Make sure to remember this password.
If you lose it, you won’t be able to access your emails.

Enter an existing email address you
own over Recovery email box under Recovery email (optional).

We strongly suggest that you provide a
recovery email address. Most people
forget their passwords because they
seldom access their accounts.

Click CREATE ACCOUNT button.

4. You will see a warning window if you did not provide a Recovery email. Just click
the CONFIRM button.

5. Tick the box will turn into a check mark.

Click the COMPLETE SETUP button.

7. log in to your account.

8. Click the Settings and enter your frequently used email address at the notification email box and then click SAVE button.

Make sure that you enable the Daily email notifications option. When enabled, this will send a notification email once a day to the listed email address that you need to check your ProtonMail account.

9. Click the ← BACK TO MAIL button to go back to your Inbox

When was Proton Launched?

We launched Proton in the summer of 2014 after a successful public crowdfunding campaign in which over 10,000 individuals donated over $500,000 to bring our shared vision to life. Since then, Proton AG has grown to become the world’s leading privacy company, used by millions globally, but we have never forgotten our humble beginnings.

ProtonMail vs Gmail

Is protonMail and Gmail same?

The answer is yes because both ProtonMail and Gmail are great email providers, but they have some key differences.

Is ProtoMail Secured?

ProtonMail is a secure email provider that uses end-to-end encryption to protect your emails from being read by third parties.

This makes it a great choice for users who are concerned about their privacy and also police can’t track it.

Gmail is less secure than ProtonMail, but it offers more features and is more widely used.


Don’t just withhold this information, kindly share with others and encourage them to click on ProtonMail signup and join the fastest email provider company in the world.

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